Online Services Available

Get in Touch! (705) 575-3298 

A life lived authentically is an empowered one!

Warm Greetings From
Our Wellness Studio

Welcome! We are so pleased that you have taken some time to visit our website. Contemplating and accessing wellness services is an important part of healing and moving forward towards an improved state of well-being. It is our goal to enhance your comfort level in accessing our supports from the moment you view this website to the time of your first appointment with us.

Kerri Dool – Owner

When I first started my career in Social Work seventeen years ago, I realized that I wanted to provide comprehensive services to my clients that met a number of their wellness needs. I envisioned promoting greater success with healing and personal development by doing so.

I had always believed in a holistic approach to care and I noticed that the co-ordination of this was at times, overwhelming and difficult to access for clients.

Fast forward a number of years and I now have a wonderful Wellness team working with me who truly do focus upon a number of key areas for health and wellness in an integrated way.

I’m so pleased that my dream of better serving our clients more intentionally and through a multi-faceted wellness approach, has now become a reality!

I look forward to sharing this with all of you and I hope to hear from you soon.


Kerri Dool


Meet Our Team of Professionals

Our Wellness team is comprised of a multi-disciplinary group of professionals who ensure a high standard for your care and support.

As you embark on your personal journey to health and wellness at our Wellness Studio, know that you are not just a number.

Our compassionate and caring staff are here to encourage and assist you in achieving your personal goals and aspirations moving forward.

We greatly value each person who joins us in this exploration of wellness!


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